Wednesday, March 7, 2007

Brick House...

You may be wondering about the name ... brick house. Well, you see it has been the theme song of my married life. (Please tell me you know the song - you know, from the 80's - She's a brick house). At any given point in the last 10 years you might have walked into our house and heard Ronnie humming the tune. It has always been sort of a running joke. More of a joke at some times than others. Like each time I have been pregnant, Ronnie likes to change the lyrics from 36-24-36 to something more realistic like 36-75-58. I have usually taken it in good humor and the song has become comforting, really. It feels like home. Just this morning Ronnie was humming the tune...


Zeppie said...

Congrats on the new blog! Looks like you couldn't resist the blogging temptation. Hey, looks like I was also the first to comment. Hooray me!

Mark and Hannah said...

I would have been the first to post but it wouldn't let me post as Hannah- But I love the blog, very fun name and very pretty! Happy Birthday!!!